Dr. Stephen J Pfann
Contact: stephen.pfann@uhl.ac
Founder and Chancellor
Expertise: Qumran Studies; Ancient Languages; Cultural Geography
Education: M.A., Graduate Theological Union; Ph.D., Department of Ancient Semitic Languages, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Select Publications:
The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche: A Comprehensive Facsimile Edition;
“The Essene Yearly Renewal Ceremony and the Baptism of Repentance,” Proceedings of the Provo Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls;
“Khirbet Kerak Ware,” Anchor Bible Dictionary;
“Qumran” in Encyclopedia Judaica rev. ed.;
“Surveys and Excavations at the Nazareth Village Farm (1997-2002): Final Report,” Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 25 (1979)
Claire Pfann
Contact: claire.pfann@uhl.ac
Co-Founder and Academic Dean
Expertise: New Testament
Education: M.A., Graduate Theological Union; Ph. D. cand., Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Select Publications:
Production Editor, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and Other Sites (DJD XXVII)
“Popes,” “Protestants” in Encyclopedia Judaica rev. ed.
“A Note on 1Q19” in The Book of Noah (SBL, 2011)
Dr. Youn-Ho Chung
Contact: johnchung@uhl.ac
Dean of Asian Students & Vice President of Public Relations
Expertise: Old Testament; Jewish Studies; Biblical Geography
Education: Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary (M.Div and Th.M); Ph.D., Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Select Publications:
The Sin of the Calf: The Rise of the Bible’s Negative Attitude Toward the Golden Calf
The Historical Process of Judaism: A New Light on Pharisees
“Israel’s Vision in the Bible and its Historical Reality in relation to the Gentiles,” Israel Korea Theology Conference
“The Reality and Identity of the Messianic Jews, and their Theology,” Israel Theology Form
“Where is Mt. Sinai?” The Institute of the Israel Theology
Dr. Ginger Barth Caessens
Contact: caessens@aol.com
Director of Short Term Programs
Expertise: Historical Geography
Education: B.A., Wheaton College, Major: History; M.A., American Institute of Holy Land Studies; Ph.D., Cambridge University
Willie Ondricek
Contact: wondricek@uhl.ac
Expertise: Archaeology; Biblical Geography; Geology of Israel; Biblical Society & Cultures
Education: M.A., University of the Holy Land; M.A., Tel Aviv University; Ph.D. Candidate, Tel Aviv University
Archaeological Field Work:
2013-Present: Supervisor, Central Timna Valley Project (Tel Aviv University)
2015: Supervisor, Church of the Nativity Excavation (University of the Holy Land/King’s College, London)
2013-2015: Supervisor, Mt. Zion Excavation (University of North Carolina Charlotte/University of the Holy Land)
Malcom Lowe
Expertise: Philosophy, New Testament Backgrounds
Education: M.A., Physics, Oxford University; B.Phil., Oxford University
Select Publications:
Editor, Immanuel (periodic publication of the Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Israel)
“A Hebraic Approach to the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard,” Immanuel 24/25 (1990)
“The Critical and Skeptical Methods in New Testament Research,”Gregorianum 81 (2000)
“Aristotle on Being and the One,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 59 (1977)
Dr. Petra Heldt
Expertise: Early Christianity; Eastern Christianity; Patristic Studies
Education: Ph.D., Department of Comparative Religions, Hebrew University Jerusalem
Dr. Vered Hillel
Expertise: Second Temple Period Literature
Education: M.A., University of the Holy Land; M.A. and Ph.D., Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr. Moon Beom Lee
Adjunct Faculty and Liaison for Korean Sabbatical Program
Expertise: Historical Geography
Education: Ph.D., University of the Holy Land
Dr. Peter Snyder
Contact: petersnyder@uhl.ac
Director of English as a Second Language Program
Expertise: ESL, TESL, English and Applied Linguistics
Education: M.A., Oral Roberts University; Ph.D. (Hon. Causa), University of the Holy Land
Dr. David Schmidt
Expertise: History of the Middle East, History
Education: Dip. Agriculture, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada; B.Th., London Baptist Bible College, Ontario, Canada; M.A., Middle East Studies, Jerusalem University College, Jerusalem, Israel; Post Graduate Research Studies, Middle East Political History, Keele University, England; Ph.D.; University of the Holy Land
Partners Together in this Great Enterprise; the Role of Christian Zionism in the Foreign Policies of Britain and America in the 20th Century, Xulon Press, 2011
Dr. Randall Buth
Vice President, Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation
Dr. Buth was trained in Israel in biblical languages and historical geography, before spending 28 years as a Bible translator & consultant for Wycliffe Bible Translators and United Bible Societies. He earned a PhD in Semitic Languages from UCLA in 1987, and moved to Israel in 1996 with his wife Margret.
He is the Founder and Director of the Biblical Languages Center in Israel, which works to promote and develop a living knowledge of Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic in order to fluently read and understand the Bible in its original languages and reproduce these skills in others.
Dr. Buth is a recognized voice in the academic field of biblical studies, linguistics, and discourse, and his pioneering work in the field has been an inspirational force for both the democratization and deepening of the study of biblical languages.
Sharon Alley
Expertise: Hebrew, Greek
Education: M.A., Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Timothy King
Contact: tim.king@uhl.ac
Vice President of Administration
Stephen Pfann Jr.
Acting Director
Carolyn Ramsey
Contact: cramsey@uhl.ac
Director of the Chinese Programs
Elizabeth Olmedo
Contact: registrar@uhl.ac
Registrar & University Relations Coordinator
Lora Hadassa Gleyzer
Contact: office.mgr@uhl.ac or visa.admin@uhl.ac